NEVER FORGET! “There Were No More Severe Respiratory Illnesses Than Usual In 2020 And 2021” – FOI Request & Lawsuit Forces The German Gov’t To Admit There Was No Pandemic!

Mortality only increased since 2021 (the Roll-Out of the “Experimental” mRNA Gene Editing Injections, never before mass injected into humans). Some estimates suggests the jab has resulted in some 31 million deaths. When taking the proliferation of turbo cancers whichRead more…


NEVER FORGET! Pfizer’s Own Secret Trial Data Shows: “You’re more likely to suffer serious harm from the vaccine, at a rate of about 1 in 800, than you were to be hospitalized by COVID from the very beginning!”

And don’t forget, The FDA (whose majority income is derived from the very industry they are supposed to be regulating) wanted to keep this data secret and hidden from the public for 75 years!!!! Please see below! A group of highlyRead more…


NEVER FORGET: The Propaganda And Lies You Were Told!!! Doctors Testify At The UK Parliament On The Invitation Of MP Andrew Bridgen

Dr. Robert Malone: “Instead of informed consent about the truth of these products … we were given a series of lies.” Lie #1 -The COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” a repeated slogan @RWMaloneMD calls propaganda. Lie #2 -The contentsRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “There Was No Increased Death Rate But We Were Seeing Deceased That Were Deliberately Labelled With COVID But There Wasn’t Any Increase In Numbers At All, And That Was Across The Board … On The 6th They Began Vaccinating And The Death Rate Was Extraordinary … And It Began Exactly When They Started Putting Needles In Arms!” – John O’Looney – Funeral Director, Milton Keynes

“The BBC came, they brought a cameraman and the lady that spoke to me, they briefed me very intently on what they were going to ask me and told me the answers they wanted and they asked me to dressRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “A Key Driver Is The Media And The Economics Will Follow The Hype, We Need To Use That Hype To Our Advantage To Get To The Real Issues. Investors Will Respond If They See Profit At The End Of The Process” – Exposing The ‘Global Criminal Cabal’ Using ‘Their Own Words’ Dr. David Martin Calls For The Destruction Of The WHO for Crimes Against Humanity & For Bio-Terrorism

Sept 2023 – “We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide.” – Dr. E. David Martin Sept 13, 2023. Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (WHO) For Crimes Against Humanity &Read more…


NEVER FORGET: Greg Reese: Maui Fires and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) – Certain Properties Burn’t To Ash While Blue Objects And The Surrounding Trees Remain Standing! This Devastating Destruction Of Homes And Vehicles Was Clearly Not Caused By A Forest Fire Which The Mainstream Media Would Have You Believe!

Is this clear evidence of Directed Energy Weapons being used to destroy properties including anything and anyone inside? Take a good look at the remains and you decide if this looks like a natural disaster! Directed Energy Weapons include lasers,Read more…


NEVER FORGET: “We Even Have My Colleague Over There Who Says We’ve Saved A Million Lives With These Vaccines, That Is Utter And Complete Nonesense! Nonsense! These Vaccines Saved No One! Across The World The Most-Highly-Vaccinated-Countries Had The Worst Case Fatality Rates … And Nobody’s Doing Anything … I’ve Never Been More Terrified In My Life” – Dr. Pierre Kory

Anytime you hear data on Vaccine Injuries You Always Have To Multiply It By A Huge Factor! “These vaccines saved no one…across the world the most vaccinated countries had the most fatalities…there is no demonstrable impact of these vaccines onRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “I Will Say … To Every Single Member In Elected Elected Government Around The World If You Do Not Unequivocally Stand With The People And Server In Their Best Interest, You Have No Place In Any Parliament Or In Any Government. You Belong Behind Bars – You May Even Rot In Hell For All I Care At This Point Because That Is Exactly What You Deserve If You Sell Out The People!” – Christine Anderson MEP

MP Christine Anderson said she Stands with “The People” …. It’s either “Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law” or SLAVERY! MP Anderson will NOT Shut UP and she will continue to GO AFTER and EXPOSE these Despicable Globalitarian MisanthropistsRead more…


NEVER FORGET: Dutch MEP Rob Roose Exposes Government Lies And Disinformation As Pfizer Admits to NOT Testing Their ‘So Called’ COVID Vaccine Against Transmission!

This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID Passport! – Dutch MEP Rob Roose. Also see Dutch MEP Rob Roose HERE.


NEVER FORGET: “At The Highest Levels People Are Being Instructed To Silence, Suppress, Coerce, Bully The Truth About This Particular Issue” – Naomi Wolf on Mark Steyn GB News

Mark Steyn of GBNews interviews Dr. Naomi Wolf on October 4th and October 5th, 2022. GBNews – The only mainstream media where you will get some semblance of the truth. Unfortunately through pressure from Offcom (The UK Communications Regulator), MarkRead more…