The True Efficacy Of COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’: “When Pfizer Claimed That Their Injections Reduced The Risk Of COVID Disease By 95.1%, This Actually Means It Reduced The Risk Of COVID Disease By 0.7%! … The True Absolute Risk Reduction For COVID Was Possibly Even Less! … It May Have Been Negative! … The Vaccinated Had Much Higher Unsolicited Adverse Events, More Sickness And Disability … The Pfizer Trial Also Had More Death In The Vaccinated” – Dr. Mark Trozzi

Dr Trozzi at the Romanian Parliament November 18th 2023.

Mark Trozzi MD is a veteran Canadian emergency physician, and a critical resuscitation and trauma medicine instructor. He has held teaching positions in three Canadian medical schools. On duty in multiple emergency departments at the launch of Covid including one designated specifically for Covid; Dr Trozzi identified the global Covid agenda as unethical and unscientific.

At the end of 2020, he walked away from all his positions and income; and committed himself completely to alerting the public, helping advance genuine medical science, and supporting the drive for justice, as well as the return of human rights and the rule of law. 

Dr Trozzi is a member of the Steering Committee for the World Council for Health; has served on the WCH Law and Activism Committee, is an active member and former chair of the WCH Health & Science Committee. He is one of the medical directors of The Wellness Company, and serves as a Consultant and Medical Advisor to various health and human rights organizations including Take Action Canada (, Justice for the Vaccinated (, Vaccine Choice Canada (, Police on Guard, and the South Africa Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (SAVAERS  He is a member of the Canada Health Alliance and the Canadian Covid Care Alliance; as well as one of the coauthors of the Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth

“Large numbers of vaccinate subjects were just eliminated from the study, so the results were absent with no explanation. There was a failure to actively track and record the health status and adverse events of all the trial participants. And the study was prematurely un-blinded, meaning people were told whether they had or had not got the, so called vaccine, and many of the un-vaccinated control group were injected with the vaccine!” – Dr. Mark Trozzi

NOTE: Un-blinding the trial and injecting the control group participants means that there could be NO Comparison of the vaccinated verses the unvaccinated, whereby covering up evidence of the injuries being caused by the vaccine.

Setting aside the all the deaths and injuries from the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines”; here is an in depth analysis into these injections’ impacts on covid-19 infections.

This analysis includes:
– The preexisting science upon which I based my predictions and launched my campaign to stop the injections before they began;

Pfizer and Moderna’s own research and documents;
– Government data generated once the injection campaigns were launched, and the cover up of this data;
– The most up to date and thorough studies regarding the covid-19 “vaccines efficacy”.