“A Key Driver Is The Media And The Economics Will Follow The Hype, We Need To Use That Hype To Our Advantage To Get To The Real Issues. Investors Will Respond If They See Profit At The End Of The Process” – Exposing The ‘Global Criminal Cabal’ Using ‘Their Own Words’ Dr. David Martin Calls For The Destruction Of The WHO for Crimes Against Humanity & For Bio-Terrorism

Sept 2023 – “We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide.” – Dr. E. David Martin Sept 13, 2023. Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (WHO) For Crimes Against Humanity &Read more…


“We’ve been given absolutely false data by Pfizer, Moderna, the WHO and every country and every health agency that have listened to them … You Already Know The Lies By The Deep State And The Lying Elites And Their Global Payed Off Media That Wanted Just One Story To Be Real” – Dr. Chris Shoemaker

The International Crisis Summit – Bucharest, Romania November 2023 Exposing the lies we have been told about CV-19 and the Jabs. “We’ve been given absolutely false data by Pfizer, Moderna, the WHO and every country and every health agency thatRead more…


“Didn’t It Make The Rest Of You Suspicious When You Learnt That The Entire White House Staff Was Exempt, The CDC Staff Was Exempt, The FDA Were ALL Exempt – Didn’t You Get Angry When People Started To Drop Dead And You Learned That Pfizer, Moderna … Johnson And Johnson And Astra Zenica Employees Were Exempt?” – Dr. Jane Ruby

“8 Million Chinese Students studying abroad, here, in the United States, they didn’t have to take it, how come? Our college students couldn’t go back to school without it, our college students couldn’t start college without it. It turns outRead more…


“When I Started Asking Questions, I Was Slowly Being Demonized … I Was Threatened To Be Thrown Into A Mental Institution And Have My Daughter Taken Away…” Kristen Meghan – U.S. Air Force Whistleblower

In this video, Luke Rudkowski talks to U.S air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about her conclusions and observations regarding the U.S connection with geoengineering and the spraying of hazardous chemicals including heavy metals (Aluminium, Bariun, Strontium) into the atmosphere.


The Truth Behind Vaccine Trials – The COVID-19 ‘Experimental Vaccine’ Trial – The Fraud And The Lies EXPOSED!!! – Documentary

The Covid 19 mRNA Vaccine Trials Documentary (No Human Vaccine Trial Subjecs). The COVID-19 vaccine is not licensed, as the clinical trials will not be completed until 2023 (not sure how the trils could still be going on since itRead more…


Are Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) and Laser Weapons Being Used To Create Devastation To Support The Global Warming Agenda?

it is an open fact that the US Government has a long history of experimenting upon its own people, e.g. the 1930s Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the 1940s Guatemalan experiments and the 1960s CIA LSD experiments. With these recent fires inRead more…


“Schools Must Equip Children To Have Sexual Partners – The United Nations, The WHO and The WEF Shocking And Evil Pedophilia Agenda!

The United Nations, in collaboration with the World Health Organization and Bill Gates-funded Rutgers, has launched the next phase of their war against humanity, sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. And Joe Biden,Read more…