The True Efficacy Of COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’: “When Pfizer Claimed That Their Injections Reduced The Risk Of COVID Disease By 95.1%, This Actually Means It Reduced The Risk Of COVID Disease By 0.7%! … The True Absolute Risk Reduction For COVID Was Possibly Even Less! … It May Have Been Negative! … The Vaccinated Had Much Higher Unsolicited Adverse Events, More Sickness And Disability … The Pfizer Trial Also Had More Death In The Vaccinated” – Dr. Mark Trozzi

Dr Trozzi at the Romanian Parliament November 18th 2023. Mark Trozzi MD is a veteran Canadian emergency physician, and a critical resuscitation and trauma medicine instructor. He has held teaching positions in three Canadian medical schools. On duty in multipleRead more…


NEVER FORGET: The Propaganda And Lies You Were Told!!! Doctors Testify At The UK Parliament On The Invitation Of MP Andrew Bridgen

Dr. Robert Malone: “Instead of informed consent about the truth of these products … we were given a series of lies.” Lie #1 -The COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” a repeated slogan @RWMaloneMD calls propaganda. Lie #2 -The contentsRead more…


“As I Looked At The Article [Peer Reviewed Article] … I Couldn’t Believe That This Was True! … This Really Shocked Me” – Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD]

A point of note when going through this presentation is that it is clear that Dr Boz is at an early stage of discovery about what was really going on over the so called pandemic years. It is also clearRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “A Key Driver Is The Media And The Economics Will Follow The Hype, We Need To Use That Hype To Our Advantage To Get To The Real Issues. Investors Will Respond If They See Profit At The End Of The Process” – Exposing The ‘Global Criminal Cabal’ Using ‘Their Own Words’ Dr. David Martin Calls For The Destruction Of The WHO for Crimes Against Humanity & For Bio-Terrorism

Sept 2023 – “We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide.” – Dr. E. David Martin Sept 13, 2023. Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (WHO) For Crimes Against Humanity &Read more…


“We’ve been given absolutely false data by Pfizer, Moderna, the WHO and every country and every health agency that have listened to them … You Already Know The Lies By The Deep State And The Lying Elites And Their Global Payed Off Media That Wanted Just One Story To Be Real” – Dr. Chris Shoemaker

The International Crisis Summit – Bucharest, Romania November 2023 Exposing the lies we have been told about CV-19 and the Jabs. “We’ve been given absolutely false data by Pfizer, Moderna, the WHO and every country and every health agency thatRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “We Even Have My Colleague Over There Who Says We’ve Saved A Million Lives With These Vaccines, That Is Utter And Complete Nonesense! Nonsense! These Vaccines Saved No One! Across The World The Most-Highly-Vaccinated-Countries Had The Worst Case Fatality Rates … And Nobody’s Doing Anything … I’ve Never Been More Terrified In My Life” – Dr. Pierre Kory

Anytime you hear data on Vaccine Injuries You Always Have To Multiply It By A Huge Factor! “These vaccines saved no one…across the world the most vaccinated countries had the most fatalities…there is no demonstrable impact of these vaccines onRead more…


BREAKING: “Federal Health Agencies And The COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable

BREAKING: “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Roundtable Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and a panel of experts share testimony on how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, Legacy Media, and Big TechRead more…


“There Are 18 Million Severely Vaccine Injured People In The Country [USA] And That’s According To The CDC’s Own Data. So, We Have This Absolute Humanitarian Crisis Of Vaccine Injured … You Can’t Trust Your Physicians Anymore, You Can’t Trust The Healthcare System, You Can’t Trust The Healthcare Agencies, You Certainly Can’t Trust Big Pharma … There Is An Alternative Way … They [People] Need To Take Control …” Dr. Paul Marik – Better Way Conference – June/2023, Bath UK

Better Way Conference, June 05, 2023, Bath, UK. Dr. Paul Marik, is a co-founder of the Frontline Covid-19 critical care alliance. He’s board certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Neurocritical Care and Nutrition Science. Dr. Marik has written overRead more…


“Everything They Told Us, Like Everything, Was A Lie … It’s Been Proven to Be A Lie And We Knew It Was A Lie … It’s Basically Exposed The Fraud, The Corruption, The Deception That’s Been There That We Just Didn’t See” – Critical Care Physician, Dr. Paul Marik

Critical care specialist Dr. Paul Marik, MD, was taught that his type II diabetes was incurable!!! However, he cured himself of the affliction and ditched the numerous associated pharmaceutical drugs that came with it. “I used to take medication for Diabetes,Read more…


The Journal Of Vaccines (Peer Reviewed), Published A Re-Analysis Of Pfizer & Moderna”s Trial Data And Found: “You Are More Likely To Suffer A Serious Adverse Event From Taking The Vaccine, Hospitalization, Disability, Life Changing Event, Than You Were To Be Hospitalized With COVID!” – Dr. Aseem Malhotra NHS Cardiologist Explains…

Dr. Aseem Malhotra tells Joe Rogan that a reanalysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s original clinical trial data shows that their COVID mRNA vaccines *INCREASE* your risks of serious adverse events, hospitalization, and death…