“Didn’t It Make The Rest Of You Suspicious When You Learnt That The Entire White House Staff Was Exempt, The CDC Staff Was Exempt, The FDA Were ALL Exempt – Didn’t You Get Angry When People Started To Drop Dead And You Learned That Pfizer, Moderna … Johnson And Johnson And Astra Zenica Employees Were Exempt?” – Dr. Jane Ruby

“8 Million Chinese Students studying abroad, here, in the United States, they didn’t have to take it, how come? Our college students couldn’t go back to school without it, our college students couldn’t start college without it. It turns outRead more…


“Schools Must Equip Children To Have Sexual Partners – The United Nations, The WHO and The WEF Shocking And Evil Pedophilia Agenda!

The United Nations, in collaboration with the World Health Organization and Bill Gates-funded Rutgers, has launched the next phase of their war against humanity, sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. And Joe Biden,Read more…


Why The Depopulation Agenda Is Real & What We Can Do About It! – Dr. Mike Yeadon

Who is Dr Mike Yeadon? Dr. Mike Yeadon, a retired pharmacologist, was previously vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory at Pfizer and is co-founder and former CEO of the biotechnology company Ziarco. He has more than 30Read more…


Smart Cities Will Usher In TOTALITARIANISM: Utah Lt. Gov. FREAKS OUT When Asked About 15 Minute City!

Smart Cities are the globalists’ next plan to empower governments and enslave humanity. Jason Preston is here to talk about his confrontation with Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox about his support for 15 minute cities. Lt. Governor Spencer Cox spokeRead more…


The Real Jacinda Ardern… “One Of The Most Monsterous Leaders In New Zealand’s History And Certainly One Of The Monsters In The World … Really One Of Justin Trudeau’s Evil Twins” – Liz Gunn

One year on from the invasion of Freedom Village at Parliament, here is our “homage” to the woman who sanctioned the police brutalising of gentle Kiwis. “Rumours that you got 25, 29 million? It’s not worth it, it was neverRead more…


Gates Microchips, 5G, 15-Minute Cities, & the W.H.O. Treaty… It ALL Makes Sense Now — Todd Callender

Recently leaked text messages reveal UK Health Minister Matt Hancock talking about how Bill Gates “owes him one” for getting so many people injected with his chips. Of course the complicit media is writing this off as a big joke!Read more…


“The Great Reset” – A Warning To Humanity & A Future Of Technocratic Slavery – Great Reset Movie

‘The Great Reset’ & The Future Of Technocratic Slavery.’Great Reset Movie’ March. 20, 2023. ‘Covid19’ Medical & Geopolitical News. AndreCorbeil. ‘The Great Reset Movie’ “A Strong Warning to Humanity & A Future Of Technocratic Slavery” Great Reset Documentary…THE CRIMINAL CARTEL:Read more…


Think ‘Covid19’ Was Bad? Wait For The ‘WHO Treaty’ 48 Hrs To Comply With ‘WHO’s Dr. ‘Tedros’

Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ “If you think ‘Covid19’ Was Bad? Wait For The ‘WHO Pandemic Treaty’ 48 hours to comply with Dr. Tedros’” March. 17, 2023. ‘Who Pandemic Treaty’ ‘Covid19’ Medical & Geopolitical News. Dr. ‘Robert Malone’ Talks To ‘Steve Bannon’Read more…


From 15-Minute Cities To Climate Lockdowns With Christine Anderson MEP

Minute Cities to Climate Lockdowns, the Onslaught of Digital TyrannyAmerican Thought LeadersAMERICAN THOUGHT LEADERSJAN JEKIELEK “The Digital Green Certificate, the COVID pass, that was a test balloon to get people to [have] to produce some kind of a QR code,Read more…