“As I Looked At The Article [Peer Reviewed Article] … I Couldn’t Believe That This Was True! … This Really Shocked Me” – Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD]

A point of note when going through this presentation is that it is clear that Dr Boz is at an early stage of discovery about what was really going on over the so called pandemic years. It is also clearRead more…


“A Key Driver Is The Media And The Economics Will Follow The Hype, We Need To Use That Hype To Our Advantage To Get To The Real Issues. Investors Will Respond If They See Profit At The End Of The Process” – Exposing The ‘Global Criminal Cabal’ Using ‘Their Own Words’ Dr. David Martin Calls For The Destruction Of The WHO for Crimes Against Humanity & For Bio-Terrorism

Sept 2023 – “We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide.” – Dr. E. David Martin Sept 13, 2023. Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (WHO) For Crimes Against Humanity &Read more…


“Didn’t It Make The Rest Of You Suspicious When You Learnt That The Entire White House Staff Was Exempt, The CDC Staff Was Exempt, The FDA Were ALL Exempt – Didn’t You Get Angry When People Started To Drop Dead And You Learned That Pfizer, Moderna … Johnson And Johnson And Astra Zenica Employees Were Exempt?” – Dr. Jane Ruby

“8 Million Chinese Students studying abroad, here, in the United States, they didn’t have to take it, how come? Our college students couldn’t go back to school without it, our college students couldn’t start college without it. It turns outRead more…


The Truth Behind Vaccine Trials – The COVID-19 ‘Experimental Vaccine’ Trial – The Fraud And The Lies EXPOSED!!! – Documentary

The Covid 19 mRNA Vaccine Trials Documentary (No Human Vaccine Trial Subjecs). The COVID-19 vaccine is not licensed, as the clinical trials will not be completed until 2023 (not sure how the trils could still be going on since itRead more…


COVID Jab: “It’s Unequivical, The Evidence Is Overwhelming That The Risk Of Serious Harm Is Unpresedented And It Needs to Be Pulled” – Dr. Aseem Malhotra – Senior NHS Consutant Cardiologist

Esteemed NHS trained Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Consultant Cardiologist, Heart Disease Expert, Professor of Evidenced Based Medicine recently joined a growing body of scientists and doctors breaking free of the mainstream Covid narrative. After spending 9 months analyzing countless Covid-19Read more…


“A Lot Of These Patients Are Really Coming In With Anxiety Because Everybody’s, They’re Scared … The We’re At A Public Hospital, They Need The Funding So … They Take Them … And They Tell Them Pretty Much That If They Don’t Get On A Vent [Which Makes The Hospital At Least $29,000] They’re Probably Not Gonna Survive. But The Reality Is, If They Get On That Vent The Likelyhood Of Them Walking Out The Hospital Is SLIM To NONE” – Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski

Undercover Nurse and whistleblower Erin Marie Olszewski sits down with Titans of Liberty to speak about how she recorded hospitals in Cuomo’s NYC murdering COVID patients. Nurse Erin updates us on her journey and reveals she was afraid for herRead more…


Dutch MEP Rob Roose Exposes Government Lies And Disinformation As Pfizer Admits to NOT Testing Their ‘So Called’ COVID Vaccine Against Transmission!

This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID Passport! – Dutch MEP Rob Roose. Also see Dutch MEP Rob Roose HERE.


“Once You Realise That People Whose Job It Is To Try And Help You Stay Fit And Well … Have Lied And Lied And Lied Again, Why Would You Believe A Single Thing They Tell You?” Dr. Mike Yeadon

Dr. ‘Reiner Fuellmich’ analyzes the modus operandi of all responsible governments worldwide and in strange synchronicity of the beginning of the so-called Corona Pandemic with Meredith Miller, holistic coach, author and Dr. Mike Yeadon, scientist and former vice president ofRead more…


“It Was Not A Lab Leak From China, It Was The Intentional Weaponization Of The Spike Protein And It Is Murder And We Will Call It What It Is!” – Dr. David Martin

“We Let Anthony Fauci Have $191 billion … Of Your Taxpayer Money That Has Gone To Weaponize Nature Against Humans” – Dr. David Martin Exposing the Coup D’Etat & the Plot to Steal America! Who is Dr. David Martin? FindRead more…


“All mRNA Vaccines Need To Be Immediately Suspended” – Dr. Aseem Malhotra At World Council For Health Press Conference

September 27, 2022 The World Council for Health hosted a press conference in London on September 27, 2022, featuring cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra. Dr. Malhotra discussed his new peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance. Dr. Malhotra wasRead more…