NEVER FORGET: “I Will Say … To Every Single Member In Elected Elected Government Around The World If You Do Not Unequivocally Stand With The People And Server In Their Best Interest, You Have No Place In Any Parliament Or In Any Government. You Belong Behind Bars – You May Even Rot In Hell For All I Care At This Point Because That Is Exactly What You Deserve If You Sell Out The People!” – Christine Anderson MEP

MP Christine Anderson said she Stands with “The People” …. It’s either “Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law” or SLAVERY! MP Anderson will NOT Shut UP and she will continue to GO AFTER and EXPOSE these Despicable Globalitarian MisanthropistsRead more…


NEVER FORGET: Dutch MEP Rob Roose Exposes Government Lies And Disinformation As Pfizer Admits to NOT Testing Their ‘So Called’ COVID Vaccine Against Transmission!

This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID Passport! – Dutch MEP Rob Roose. Also see Dutch MEP Rob Roose HERE.


“15-Minute Cities” – The Next Step “Climate LockDown” – Are You Awake Yet?

The True Motive Behind 15-Minute Cities: It’s Not About Your Convenience! “The 15 minutes-cities, they will have to have those before they can lock you down…” – Christine Anderson MEP “So in Great Britain, some county already passed legislation; theyRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “It Was A Gigantic Lie! … It Was Never About Public Health … Their House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down And It Is Doing So Rightfully” Christine Anderson MEP

“It was never, ever about public health . . . it was always about breaking people! But, and that’s the good news, they failed! It didn’t work.” — MEP Christine Anderson


Dr. John Campbell Looks At The Revelation That Pfizer Did Not Test Their CV Vaccine Against Transmission

NOTES: Pfizer / European commission vaccine contracts This is how they were disclosed to us, (MEP Cristian Terhes) Over 100 blacked out pages