“There Was No Increased Death Rate But We Were Seeing Deceased That Were Deliberately Labelled With COVID But There Wasn’t Any Increase In Numbers At All, And That Was Across The Board … On The 6th They Began Vaccinating And The Death Rate Was Extraordinary … And It Began Exactly When They Started Putting Needles In Arms!” – John O’Looney – Funeral Director, Milton Keynes

“The BBC came, they brought a cameraman and the lady that spoke to me, they briefed me very intently on what they were going to ask me and told me the answers they wanted and they asked me to dress up in full PPE and I was a bit reluctant at the time because, you know all funeral directors we use aprons and obviously globes but masks and stuff like that isn’t something we would usually use. I worked for the coroner for 7 years and the only time I would ever use a mask there is if I was attending the scene of a death where that diseased had perhaps been there for a while, you know an undiscovered death, and then you put Vics on the mask and the idea is to keep the smell away. It’s not going to protect you from anything, least of all a virus.

So, they [the BBC], got the interview they wanted, you know and promoted the hysteria, and I kind of kick myself now because it’s simply not true, any of it, it’s not true.”

“The death rate wasn’t there though, there was no increased death rate but we were seeing deceased that were deliberately labelled with COVID but there wasn’t any increasing numbers at all. […]

Every death possible was listed as a COVID death when they just weren’t COVID deaths. […]

On the 6th they began vaccinating and the death rate was extraordinary. I’ve never seen anything like it as a funeral director in 15 years and neither has anyone else that I had spoken to. And it began exactly, when they began putting needles in arms. […] And what will happen shortly with all these children that they are injecting, this children will get sick and children will get die as a direct result of these injections. […]

If they are willing to murder people the way that they are doing, I suspect that they won’t think twice about silencing people like myself. […]

There are no children that have died from Covid, so there is no reason, whatsoever, to put these gene therapies into children. None at all! It is absolutely indefensible. […]

Here we have a depopulation agenda and a part of that depopulation is two fronts that they attack on: One is to kill people and I am seeing that as a funeral director. And number two is to sterilize or disable children to stop them from repopulating later on in life. […]

The truth is, it’s these injections that are damaging and killing people! And I am seeing that first hand as a funeral director. […]

They’ve found the money to build super prisons, super, huge thirty thousand internment camps. What do you guys think they are for? They’re for people who won’t take the vaccine. […]

They’re gonna call them quarantine camps, FEMA camps, they’re gonna put you in these camps and I can tell you, you’ll swiftly be dispatched and you’ll be called a COVID death. […] The time is now to do something because I can tell you, as a funeral director, it’ll be no good us reflecting in 12 months’ time from inside a prison cell wishing that you’d have done something.”