NEVER FORGET: “Patients were needlessly dying because of governments withheld policies for treating COVID! Everyone who died with COVID should be considered murdered!!!”

“Early Treatment has always been effective! I walked out of the hospital on the mandate day. I have my own practice and I’m the only person in town treating COVID patients prior to hospitalization.” “I also watched the entire staffRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “Every Single One of the Central Narrative Points That Your Government and Mine Tells You About This Virus and What You Should Do, They’re ALL LIES!” – Dr. Mike Yeadon

COVID-19 Lies – The PCR Test Doesn’t Tell if a Person is Infectious! Here are some of Dr Mike Yeadon’s (PhD) qualifications: Senior Principal Scientist, Welcome Research (1988-1995) Chief Scientific Officer, Allergy & Respiratory Research, Pfizer R&D (1995-2011) Vice President,Read more…


NEVER FORGET: Global Cyber Pandemic Planned – They are So Confident That They Cannot Be Stopped That They Are Even Providing Hints As to What’s to Come! Hear it Yourself from Schwab & His WEF (World Economic Forum) Cronies

July 2021 And of course it will all be blamed on Russia! The Internet will go down, at least for most of us, and all sources of energy (Gas Electric) will be removed! This will also mean that no-one willRead more…


NEVER FORGET: This Was Their Way Of Showing That The Hospitals Were Actually Empty When We Were Being Told The Hospitals Were Full And That Nurses And Doctors Were Run Off Their Feet!

Doctors and Nurses around the world took to making dance videos during the height of the so called pancemic! Videos were also being shared on social media (and being taken down by the complicit social media companies) of empty hospitalsRead more…


NEVER FORGET: July 2020: Globalists Bill & Melinda Gates Talking About The Next ‘Pandemic’ Where He Proclaimed “SO, WE YOU KNOW WE’LL HAVE TO PREPARE FOR THE NEXT ONE. THAT YOU KNOW I’D SAY AH WILL GET ATTENTION THIS TIME” – Notice That Both Could Not Hold Back Their Smirk!

July 21st, 2020 Just look at their body language in this video clip! Does anyone doubt that THEY knew back then what the next plandemic (Monkey Pox) was going to be? Remember also that in another video clip, when referringRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “Pfizer First Spike Protein Vaccine Patent (For Coronavirus) Filed In 1990!!!” – Dr David Martin PhD

This talk by Dr. David Martin PhD took place at the International Covid Summit Held At The European Union Parliament – May 2023. THE BELOW IS AN EXTRACT FROM DAVID MARTIN TALK AT THE EU PARLIAMENT IN MAY 2023. TheRead more…


NEVER FORGET: January 2017, Speaking of Pandemics, Fauci: Proudly And Emphatically States “THERE WILL BE A SURPRISE OUTBREAK”… Of An Infectious Disease During President Trump’s Administration

YEP, THEY ALWAYS TELL US WHAT THEY’RE GOING TO DO! “… there will be a Surprise Outbreak”. Not that there might be, or there could be, but there WILL be! This clip was taken from a Keynote Address Anthony FauciRead more…