NEVER FORGET: Big Pharma Misleading/Fraudulent Reporting of Vaccine Efficacy. And Our Government Agencies Are Allowing This Fraud to Happen!

When they for example report a 95% efficacy, that number is referring to a Relative Risk reduction and not Absolute Risk Reduction which in reality is really only around 0.8% to 1.2%!!!! Please also see the below post which providesRead more…


NEVER FORGET: Why ‘Some’ People are Experiencing Serious Injury or Death, Sometimes Within Hours or Days of Receiving the COVID Injection! Expert Analysis of Government VAERS Data Provides “Compelling Evidence for Premeditated Mass Murder…”

Corona Investigative Committee – January 2022 “When This All Comes Out, Don’t Ask Me How I Knew, Ask Yourself Why You Didn’t!” Dr Mike Yeadon Phd – Former Vice President of Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer. Below are someRead more…


NEVER FORGET: Bribery In Healthcare to Implement The Corrupt Cabal’s ‘Hospital Kill Protocol’ — If You Were Not Previously Aware of These Actions, Well, Now You Have Been Advised! There are A number of other Doctors and Nurses Providing Similar Information On This Web Site.


NEVER FORGET: “They Are Killing Us With Censorship And Propaganda. They Are Manipulating the Minds of Millions” – Dr. Pierre Kory Speaking Out Against Big Pharma Corruption – ‘The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’

“We are fighting a war, it’s a war on our health. It’s a war that’s been going on for decades and it’s waged by the pharmaceutical industry. They have ALWAYS put profits before patients! That toll has been heavy overRead more…


NEVER FORGET: Sen. Ron Johnson’s Roundtable: “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” – A Roundtable of Expert Scientists, Doctors and Nurses & Whistle Blowers Speaking Out And Whose Voices Are Being Silenced by the Complicit Big Tech and The Mainstream Media

A roundtable of healthcare professionals and scientists are brought together by Senator Ron Johnson to discuss their experiences over the last two years, what went wrong and what could have been done better. As you will see, much of whatRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “I didn’t see a single patient die of COVID, I’ve seen a substantial number of patients die of negligence and medical malfeasance” – Nurse Speaking at Sen. Ron Johnson’s Roundtable of Expert Scientists, Doctors and Nurses, called ‘COVID-19: A Second Opinion’

“Following orders has led to the sheer numbers of death that has occurred in these hospitals, I didn’t see a single patient die of COVID, I’ve seen a substantial number of patients die of negligence and medical malfeasance” “While IRead more…


NEVER FORGET: UK ONS FOI Request For ‘Deaths where COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate from 1st February 2020 to 31st December 2021’ (23 Months) Revealed a Total of 6,183! This is Prima Facie Evidence That There Was Never A Real Pandemic!

ONS = Office for National Statistics FOI = Freedom of Information Request Whilst the the UK government and the media reported some 173,000 COVID-19 deaths to 31st December 2021, leading the public to believe these were all COVID-19 deaths, aRead more…


NEVER FORGET: How Pfizer Bullied and Blackmailed Entire Countries In It’s COVID Vaccine Deals – Including Demanding The Country’s Military Base & It’s Financial Reserves! – Gravitas Reports: “Pfizer wanted Argentina to put it’s bank reserves, it’s military bases, and it’s embassy building at stake as collateral”

For those sceptical about this reporting, The Guardian Newspaper has also covered this story which can be seen on their website HERE. “Pfizer asked to be compensated for the cost of any future lawsuits!” “Pfizer then asked Argentina to buyRead more…