NEVER FORGET: How You Are Being Deceived! Pfizer’s Own Data Shows the COVID Vaccine Does “More Harm than Good” – Canadian Covid Care Alliance Reveals Pfizer’s Fraudulent Practices

Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Absolute Risk Reduction Efficacy is Only 0.84% and NOT 95% as Most People Have Been Led to Believe! Furthermore, Pfizer Own Vaccine Trail Data Shows that the Vaccine Does “More Harm than Good” – according to theRead more…


NEVER FORGET: 2022: A Brief Reflection | Oracle Films

The full program ‘TRUTH BE TOLD, A SECOND OPINION’ can be see HERE. Truth be Told London – a demonstration outside BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London on 21st Jan 2023. If you like what Oracle Films does, youRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “It Was A Gigantic Lie! … It Was Never About Public Health … Their House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down And It Is Doing So Rightfully” Christine Anderson MEP

“It was never, ever about public health . . . it was always about breaking people! But, and that’s the good news, they failed! It didn’t work.” — MEP Christine Anderson


NEVER FORGET: “I Can No Longer Be Part of The LIES … The Hospitals Arn’t Full, Beds Aren’t Full … I Have Seen Tramatic Injuries From The Vaccine … They Are Not Being Reported” – NHS Nurse Resigns During The So Called ‘Pandemic’

NHS Nurse: “I resigned from my permanent posts about 5 weeks ago. I could no longer be part of the lies and the corruption by the government, not by the NHS, I mean, I’ve absolutely loved working there and workingRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “I Couldn’t Sleep, I was Actually Beside Myself… So I Went to My Line Manager to Tender My Resignation” – Nurse Fran Adamson – BSC Registered Nurse Speaking of the Harms Being Caused by The CV-19 Jabs…

A UK Column Interview: An experienced nurse from Aberdeen describes how disrespect of her within the National Health Service for having questions about Covid policy gave way to ridicule, nastiness and isolation until she had to resign for the sakeRead more…


NEVER FORGET: ‘Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion’ (2022) Oracle Films – Uncut Documentary

This documentary was reportedly removed from YouTube after 990 million views! Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to haveRead more…


NEVER FORGET: Following Pfizer’s Forced Admission: “It Was A Gigantic Lie What They Told Us That The Vaccine Would Prevent You Catching The Virus Or Prevent Transmission” – Christine Anderson MEP

“Based on that lie, all of the mandates, all of the lock-downs, all of the non-pharmaceutical measures as wearing masks, staying at home, curfews, all of that was based on that gigantic lie, and yet they will not acknowledge it!Read more…