“What Is In The Pfizer Documents?” – Naomi Wolf’s Viral Hillsdale College Speech

Almost a Million Views of Naomi Wold’s original Hillsdale College Speech: “What is in the Pfizer Documents?”

“I guess people want answers about the greatest crime against humanity in history. – Dr. Naomi Wolf
April 15, 2023


I am sharing this entire speech — one that I gave last month at the extraordinary Hillsdale College in Michigan.

The speech has had almost a million views on all platforms in a matter of days.

It summarizes the key revelations to date that our team of 3500 medical and scientific experts — the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers’ group — found in the Pfizer documents.

Greatest crime against humanity ever.

I also explain briefly in this speech why I conclude that we are living in a Biblical moment, in which God is letting us choose, and demonstrating something like — “This is how bad human beings can be when you lose touch with Me.”

I am very grateful to Hillsdale College for giving me the platform on which to share these shocking, lifesaving revelations.

I used to speak on tens of college campuses every year. After I was de-platformed and sustained a global reputational attack — spearheaded by the White House, CDC, DHS and Twitter — for telling the truth about harms to women’s fertility via the MRNA injection, it has been only the faith-based and liberty-oriented Hillsdale College — (which made the decision at a critical inflection point in its history not to accept government funding) — out of all the universities in America, that has brought me to campus to speak.

Yet every college student in America, every citizen, deserves to hear these truths firsthand.