GLOBAL EXCESS DEATHS HITS RECORD LEVELS FOLLOWING CV VACCINE ROLLOUT: “Even a casual glance of the data shows that there’s a very strong correlation between vaccine uptake and the level of excess deaths being found in that country” – Andrew Bridgen – UK MP

A Report from The HighWire with Del Bigtree:
The conversation is exploding across Europe as politicians and media raise the alarm about record excess mortality rates in 2022. Why are so many non-Covid related deaths happening now?

UK MP Andrew Bridgen – “Even a casual glance of the data shows that there’s a very strong correlation between vaccine uptake and the level of excess deaths being found in that country.”

The conversation is exploding across Europe as politicians and media raise the alarm about record excess mortality rates in 2022. Why are so many non-Covid related deaths happening now?

#ExcessDeaths #ExcessMortality #AndrewBridgen

November 14, 2022