The True Efficacy Of COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’: “When Pfizer Claimed That Their Injections Reduced The Risk Of COVID Disease By 95.1%, This Actually Means It Reduced The Risk Of COVID Disease By 0.7%! … The True Absolute Risk Reduction For COVID Was Possibly Even Less! … It May Have Been Negative! … The Vaccinated Had Much Higher Unsolicited Adverse Events, More Sickness And Disability … The Pfizer Trial Also Had More Death In The Vaccinated” – Dr. Mark Trozzi

Dr Trozzi at the Romanian Parliament November 18th 2023. Mark Trozzi MD is a veteran Canadian emergency physician, and a critical resuscitation and trauma medicine instructor. He has held teaching positions in three Canadian medical schools. On duty in multipleRead more…


“As I Looked At The Article [Peer Reviewed Article] … I Couldn’t Believe That This Was True! … This Really Shocked Me” – Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD]

A point of note when going through this presentation is that it is clear that Dr Boz is at an early stage of discovery about what was really going on over the so called pandemic years. It is also clearRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “There Was No Increased Death Rate But We Were Seeing Deceased That Were Deliberately Labelled With COVID But There Wasn’t Any Increase In Numbers At All, And That Was Across The Board … On The 6th They Began Vaccinating And The Death Rate Was Extraordinary … And It Began Exactly When They Started Putting Needles In Arms!” – John O’Looney – Funeral Director, Milton Keynes

“The BBC came, they brought a cameraman and the lady that spoke to me, they briefed me very intently on what they were going to ask me and told me the answers they wanted and they asked me to dressRead more…


NEVER FORGET: “A Key Driver Is The Media And The Economics Will Follow The Hype, We Need To Use That Hype To Our Advantage To Get To The Real Issues. Investors Will Respond If They See Profit At The End Of The Process” – Exposing The ‘Global Criminal Cabal’ Using ‘Their Own Words’ Dr. David Martin Calls For The Destruction Of The WHO for Crimes Against Humanity & For Bio-Terrorism

Sept 2023 – “We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide.” – Dr. E. David Martin Sept 13, 2023. Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (WHO) For Crimes Against Humanity &Read more…


“Everything They Told Us, Like Everything, Was A Lie … It’s Been Proven to Be A Lie And We Knew It Was A Lie … It’s Basically Exposed The Fraud, The Corruption, The Deception That’s Been There That We Just Didn’t See” – Critical Care Physician, Dr. Paul Marik

Critical care specialist Dr. Paul Marik, MD, was taught that his type II diabetes was incurable!!! However, he cured himself of the affliction and ditched the numerous associated pharmaceutical drugs that came with it. “I used to take medication for Diabetes,Read more…


“Didn’t It Make The Rest Of You Suspicious When You Learnt That The Entire White House Staff Was Exempt, The CDC Staff Was Exempt, The FDA Were ALL Exempt – Didn’t You Get Angry When People Started To Drop Dead And You Learned That Pfizer, Moderna … Johnson And Johnson And Astra Zenica Employees Were Exempt?” – Dr. Jane Ruby

“8 Million Chinese Students studying abroad, here, in the United States, they didn’t have to take it, how come? Our college students couldn’t go back to school without it, our college students couldn’t start college without it. It turns outRead more…


Killing for Profit? “Doctors, Institutions, and Medical Journals Who Have A Responsibility To Patients And Scientific Integrity Collude With Industry for Financial Gain … Honest Doctors Can No Longer Practice Honest Medicine … We have a complete healthcare system failure And An Epidemic Of Misinformed Doctors And Misinformed And Unwittingly-Harmed Patients” – Dr. Aseem Malhotra – Consultant Cardiologist

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: “Honest doctors can no longer practice honest medicine. We have a complete healthcare system failure and an epidemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed and unwittingly-harmed patients.” Another interesting bit of information is that Peter C Gøtzsche didRead more…


“When I Started Asking Questions, I Was Slowly Being Demonized … I Was Threatened To Be Thrown Into A Mental Institution And Have My Daughter Taken Away…” Kristen Meghan – U.S. Air Force Whistleblower

In this video, Luke Rudkowski talks to U.S air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about her conclusions and observations regarding the U.S connection with geoengineering and the spraying of hazardous chemicals including heavy metals (Aluminium, Bariun, Strontium) into the atmosphere.

Neil Oliver GB News

“All Around The World There’s Mounting Evidence Of Deaths And Injuries Caused By The So Called Vaccines. There Are More And More Excess Deaths, People Of All Ages Dying Every Day, Deaths Unrelated To COVID … Where Is The Outrage About These Deaths?”

“In The Week Ending 21st October This Year, The Figure Was 1,822. There Are More People Dying Now Of Causes Unrelated To COVID Than AT The Height Of The Pandemic … Where Is The Outrage About THESE Latest Deaths? TheRead more…


The Truth Behind Vaccine Trials – The COVID-19 ‘Experimental Vaccine’ Trial – The Fraud And The Lies EXPOSED!!! – Documentary

The Covid 19 mRNA Vaccine Trials Documentary (No Human Vaccine Trial Subjecs). The COVID-19 vaccine is not licensed, as the clinical trials will not be completed until 2023 (not sure how the trils could still be going on since itRead more…