Smart Cities Will Usher In TOTALITARIANISM: Utah Lt. Gov. FREAKS OUT When Asked About 15 Minute City!

Smart Cities are the globalists’ next plan to empower governments and enslave humanity. Jason Preston is here to talk about his confrontation with Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox about his support for 15 minute cities. Lt. Governor Spencer Cox spokeRead more…


Gates Microchips, 5G, 15-Minute Cities, & the W.H.O. Treaty… It ALL Makes Sense Now — Todd Callender

Recently leaked text messages reveal UK Health Minister Matt Hancock talking about how Bill Gates “owes him one” for getting so many people injected with his chips. Of course the complicit media is writing this off as a big joke!Read more…


Massive Protest in Oxford Against ’15-Minute Cities’ – Now You Know Why The So Called LTN/Low Traffic Neighborhood Was Implemented Years Ago!

Thousands of protesters brought Oxford to a standstill to protest against 15-minute cities and the trialing of controversial traffic filters which campaigners argue will restrict freedom of movement. Note that despite large scale protests and vocal opposition to the proposedRead more…


From 15-Minute Cities To Climate Lockdowns With Christine Anderson MEP

Minute Cities to Climate Lockdowns, the Onslaught of Digital TyrannyAmerican Thought LeadersAMERICAN THOUGHT LEADERSJAN JEKIELEK “The Digital Green Certificate, the COVID pass, that was a test balloon to get people to [have] to produce some kind of a QR code,Read more…


“We Are Just Now Moving To The Exponential Phase” Globalist WEF Klaus Schwab At The ‘WORLD GOVERNMENT’ SUMMIT!

Still think those who have been warning about the New World Order and the One World Government are Conspiracy Theorists? They are not even hiding what they are doing any more and they haven’t been hiding it for a veryRead more…


EXPOSED! ‘SECRETS of The United Nations’ – A Report By ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee) & Stop World Control

1 February, 2023The storm has erupted worldwide! Millions worldwide are discovering the truth, as the film “SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS” is being sent around the earth in seven languages. The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, withRead more…


Trudeau Panics As Arrest Warrants Issued Against WEF Young Global Leaders

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has warned that independent media outlets represent a threat to the WEF’s Great Reset agenda that the global elites are working so hard to implement. This is a huge problem for Trudeau personally because heRead more…