New Documentary: “Died Suddenly!” … Takes a Look at The Proliferation of Sudden Deaths Among The COVID-19 Vacinated.

This documentary looks at a new phenomena where healthy and even young people are suddenly dropping dead or are dying in their sleep following their injection with the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. This proliferation of sudden deaths among healthy people (includingRead more…


“We’ve Had A Deep Pervasive Change In The Tenor of Medical Discourse … It Evolved Into Gag Orders, Threats, Loss of Employment, Lawsuites … All Working to Suppress The Free Interchange of Information All Around SARS-Cov-2, COVID-19 And The Vaccines .. And This Is Worldwide!” – Dr. Peter McCullough

Internist and Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough exclusive interview on the Highwire with Emmy Award winner Del Bigtree for a deep dive on SARS-CoV-2 pandemic response, subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis manifesting as sudden death, and crushing professional reprisal for doctors who speakRead more…


GLOBAL EXCESS DEATHS HITS RECORD LEVELS FOLLOWING CV VACCINE ROLLOUT: “Even a casual glance of the data shows that there’s a very strong correlation between vaccine uptake and the level of excess deaths being found in that country” – Andrew Bridgen – UK MP

A Report from The HighWire with Del Bigtree: The conversation is exploding across Europe as politicians and media raise the alarm about record excess mortality rates in 2022. Why are so many non-Covid related deaths happening now? UK MP AndrewRead more…