LIES MY GOVERNMENT TOLD ME: And the Better Future Coming – Dr. Robert Malone

Feb. 12, 2023 London Real with Brian Rose PLANDEMIC – FOLLOW THE MONEY Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized virologist, immunologist, physician, biochemist and author. He is credited as the original inventor of mRNA delivery and vaccination as aRead more…


NEVER FORGET: Sen. Ron Johnson’s Roundtable: “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” – A Roundtable of Expert Scientists, Doctors and Nurses & Whistle Blowers Speaking Out And Whose Voices Are Being Silenced by the Complicit Big Tech and The Mainstream Media

A roundtable of healthcare professionals and scientists are brought together by Senator Ron Johnson to discuss their experiences over the last two years, what went wrong and what could have been done better. As you will see, much of whatRead more…


CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE COVID-19 VIRUS IS MAN MADE! “They Did A Great Job Designing This!” In addition, Dr Richard Fleming PhD/MD/jD Shows The HIV Inserts To The S Spike Protein!

“This work comes from Luke Montagnier. Dr. Montagnier is the premier virologist in Paris France. Dr. Montagnier gor the Nobel Prize for identifying HIV. So if there’s anybody on planet earth who out to be able to tell you thatRead more…