The Big Reset Movie – The Uncensored Documentary Reveals The Truth About The Pandemic

With the COVID-19 crisis, policies have been implemented that would seem unthinkable under normal conditions. And all this has been achieved by means of an instrument as effective as it is old: fear. There are two laboratories in this story:Read more…


Pandemic Amnesty? “It Wasn’t Just A Matter of Ignorance, It Was A Matter of VERY DELIBERATE EFFORT TO CENSOR Certain Voices That Were Not Going Along With The Mainstream Public Health Narrative … Some People Have Died As A Consequence of These Vaccines” – Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

The Atlantic recently released an article titled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty” that called for forgiveness from the public for any perceived missteps in the public health establishment’s handling of the COVID pandemic. In this episode, we speak with Dr.Read more…


Klaus Schwab & The Evil Cabal – Elon Musk Fights Back With The Re-Instatement of Free Speech on Twitter

Elon Musk has stated on Twitter that his life may be in danger. This is likely because he appears to be going against the globalist evil cabal with the global agenda which has been paying out in plain sight overRead more…


Evil Globalists Says ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’!

Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Noah Yuval Harari has announced that the WEF has been so successful in its plans that it is “acquiring divine powers” of “creation and destruction.” This report comes from Real Truth Real News.