Yale School of Public Health Epidemiology Professor Dr Harvey Risch discusses “What You Are Not Being Told About Big Pharma and The Medical Establishment”

How free are doctors in prescribing drugs and advising patients regarding vaccines? Does Big Pharma give MDs ‘incentives’ to push their drugs and/or vaccines? Are doctors afraid to go against the status quo of the medical establishment? If so, why?Read more…


NEVER FORGET: Global Cyber Pandemic Planned – They are So Confident That They Cannot Be Stopped That They Are Even Providing Hints As to What’s to Come! Hear it Yourself from Schwab & His WEF (World Economic Forum) Cronies

July 2021 And of course it will all be blamed on Russia! The Internet will go down, at least for most of us, and all sources of energy (Gas Electric) will be removed! This will also mean that no-one willRead more…


Dr Vernon Coleman Breaks Down In Tears Whilst Reporting Some of the COVID Vaccine Deaths! – February 2021

February 2021Dr Vernon Coleman Breaks Down In Tears In Despair & Frustration At Government Vaccine Policy that is Seriously Injuring and Killing Untold Numbers of People.


UK ‘Office for National Statistics’ 2020 – Total COVID-19 Infections => 13,871!

The U.K. government and mainstream media reported that 72,128 people died “with” COVID-19 during 2020. Notice that they state “with” and not “off” or “from”, although some news agencies have been stating “from” which continues to further re-enforce the misinformationRead more…


Nurse [Erin Marie Olszewski] speak out about a NYC hospital she worked in killing patients and lying about COVID-19 cases which she witnessed again and again!

“The thing is, is they’re coming in with difficulty breathing, and a lot of these patients are really coming in with anxiety because everybody is, they’re scared and when I was back home I was working out in the tentsRead more…