MORE WHO TYRANNY: “This Creates A Platform For Global Governance” – Michele Bachmann on WHO Amendments

This clip clearly demonstrates how corrupt governments operates and highlights how the world population are being deceived. See also:


DIRE WARNING!!! WHO Head Tedros Adhanon – Implicated in “Mass Genocide” in His Home Country Ethiopia – Is Set to Become “THE MOST POWERFUL AND TYRANNICAL HEALTH DICTATOR” In The World!

This Will Enable Tedros (who does not have a medical degree but was apparently a friend of Bil Gates) to Plunge the Entire World into Lockdown – Without Evidence – And Able to Force Inject Every Person With Whatever ExperimentalRead more…


MEPs fighting for freedom in the EU. Defending peoples’ rights against Mandatory Digital Certificate

In this third press conference, which took place on 24 Nov. 2021 in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the MEPs explained why the Green Certificate is violating peoples’ fundamental rights as well as other related topics. The members of theRead more…


Speaking of the Globalist Cabal: “It Was Their Intention to Use the Virus to Control The People” – Senator Malcolm Roberts

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts Speaking with Reiner Fuellmich & Viviana Fischer of the Corona Investigative Committee.


“Who Owns The World?” – A Glimpse Into How A Handful of The World’s Most Powerful Corporations, Some You May Not Even Have Heard Of (Such As ‘BlackRock & Vanguard), Actually Control’s And Dominates Every Aspect Of Our Lives And The World We Live In!

According to Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of WEF (World Economic Forum), by the year 2030: “You will own nothing and be happy!” Their plan is that everyone (apart from themselves, the controlling elite, of course) will be onRead more…


“The Vast Majority of Elected Representatives, They Are Selling You Down The River” – Christine Anderson, MEP

“Please, do not consider me a hero, I’m not brave, I am simply doing my job. I was elected to parliament to serve the people, to act on their behalf and in their best interest. And I couldn’t think ofRead more…