“These Are Massive Crimes” – Dr. Naomi Wolf Exposes the Upsetting Statistics on The Brave Men and Women of the US Military

“In this [DOD] database… the rise in congenital malformations increased dramatically, from a baseline rate of 10,906 cases per year in 2021… to 18,951 congenital malformations for [just] part of the year of 2021. For part of the year ofRead more…


Everest Romney’s Mom Tell The Story Of The Injuries Sustained By Her 16 Year Old Son Following The Pfizer Shot – Pfizer Adverse Reaction: Blood Clots In His Jugular And Brain

Everest RomneyPfizer 21st April 2021Severe Adverse Reaction: Two blood clots in his brain, aged 17 Years Old. Everest’s mum Cherie giving a full account of her son’s story and a very strong message about the risks of Vaccinating Children inRead more…


Pfizer Criminality, Including a $2.3 Billion Criminal Fine! The Biggest Criminal Fine in History which includes FRAUDULENT MARKETING of Pharmaceuticals. Still Trust Pfizer and Big Pharma?

Pfizer, the American pharmaceutical giant, has been hit with a $2.3 billion Fraud Settlement in history. The criminal fine agreed to be settled by Pfizer is believed to be the largest criminal fine in history against any company. The massiveRead more…