CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE COVID-19 VIRUS IS MAN MADE! “They Did A Great Job Designing This!” In addition, Dr Richard Fleming PhD/MD/jD Shows The HIV Inserts To The S Spike Protein!

“This work comes from Luke Montagnier. Dr. Montagnier is the premier virologist in Paris France. Dr. Montagnier gor the Nobel Prize for identifying HIV. So if there’s anybody on planet earth who out to be able to tell you thatRead more…


Humans with Modified DNA Have No Rights And Are Patented! – Dr. Chinda Brandolino (Spanish Doctor)

“Everything that is patented belongs to the patent holder … According to what is legally established in international law.” – Dr. Chinda Brandolino The Spanish doctor Chinda Brandolino warns that the covid vaccines modify the human DNA, making the vaccinatedRead more…


The Midazolam Care Home Murders

The Covid Debacle started with social distancing and face masks. Based on scientific fraud, people were led to believe the horrific predictions of incompetent advisors to the government. Millions of people were to die if we didn’t obey! And so…Read more…


Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Boasting About His ‘Stakeholders’, Governments, Media, Experts and Scientists, Businesses, Academia and Social Media

Of course we know that the WEF has many polititions in governments such as around the globe ave strong connections to the WEF some having been members of the WEF Young Global Leaders programme such as Justin Trudeau, Jacinda ArdernRead more…


Fed Govt Influenced Charges Against Officer Investigating SIDS (Sudden Infant Deaths) – Donald Best

Whistleblower and former Toronto Police sergeant, Donald Best, has been following the internal Ottawa Police trial and investigation into Det. Helen Grus (latest from Donald Best’s site HERE) for alleged “discredible conduct” with an explosive revelation: written evidence shows thatRead more…