“I’ve played for 17 years. I don’t think I saw one person in 17 years have to come of the football pitch with breathing difficulties clutching their chest” – Matt Le Tissier – Retired Footballer

An interview of British soccer legend and sports commentator Matt Le Tissier by Oracle Films about the ‘pandemic’ and the disturbing amount of athletes who have recently collapsed or died on the playing field following the rollout of the COVIDRead more…


LIES MY GOVERNMENT TOLD ME: And the Better Future Coming – Dr. Robert Malone

Feb. 12, 2023 London Real with Brian Rose PLANDEMIC – FOLLOW THE MONEY Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized virologist, immunologist, physician, biochemist and author. He is credited as the original inventor of mRNA delivery and vaccination as aRead more…


“These Are Massive Crimes” – Dr. Naomi Wolf Exposes the Upsetting Statistics on The Brave Men and Women of the US Military

“In this [DOD] database… the rise in congenital malformations increased dramatically, from a baseline rate of 10,906 cases per year in 2021… to 18,951 congenital malformations for [just] part of the year of 2021. For part of the year ofRead more…


Doctors Banned From Prescribing Safe and Effective Treatment Ivermectin for COVID-19 – Another Brave Australian Doctor – Dr Tess Lawrie – Speaks Out

“Recently we evaluated Ivermection to prevent and treat COVID-19 infection. Our evidence shows that Ivermectin is effective, safe and very cheap. We should be using it for both prevention and treatment of COVID. However, Governments and Heath Organizations are ignoringRead more…


“My Reward was to be Suspended from Clinical Practice in the Army” – Army Clinical Physician And Former Medical Director

March 2021, Dr. Jane Ruby Interviews Major Dr. Sam Sigoloff. “On January 24th, 2022, three very brave military officers came forward, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Long, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Chambers and Major Dr. Sam Sigoloff, through their attorney Thomas Rans inRead more…