THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025 – 2028 – John Hopkins Center for Health And Security

In October 2017, The John Hopkins Center for Health Security, an organization which appears to have very close ties to globalist Bill Gates and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, published the following comprehensive document entitled: THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025 – 2028, A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health, Risk Communicators.

John Hopkins Claims this is a Futuristic Scenario illustrating Pandemic exercise. The 77 page documents provides a day by day account of how the pandemic will play out with statements to the effect that there is no treatment available with the talk of a potential vaccine. It all sounds remarkably similar to what the world’s experience with COVID-19. In the scenario it is stated that there is no treatment but an Antiviral Drug called VMAX was made available under Emergency Use Authorization.

More information can be obtained on The John Hopkins website HERE.

The actual 77 page document can be downloaded (via a download link) directly on this Johns Hopkins Web Page.