In the 2017 – 2018 Winter Period, there were an Estimated 50,100 Excess Winter Deaths in England & Wales – Source UK Gov. ONS (Office for National Statistics)
Information Series of data:
According to official UK government ONS figures, there was an estimated 50,100 ‘excess deaths’ during the 2017 – 2018 winter period, the on record since the winter of 1975 – 1976. See screenshot below taken from the UK Gov ONS website which can be seen HERE.

Most people were blissfully unaware o the above statistic! Yet in March 2020 (when there were likely no deaths caused directly by COVID), the UK Government placed the UK in full lock down, destroying may small businesses and causing the start of a catastrophic increase NHS waiting list to address serious illnesses such as cancers and heart disease.
And in fact official ONS government figures states that the total number of COVID-19 infections throughout the entire year of 2020 was just 13,871 (far less than that typically related to flu)!
Note that the figure of 13,871 are recorded infections and not deaths! However, by some mysterious piece of science, the government and the media were incessantly publishing the ‘With COVID-19’ Deaths figures which they claimed was a total of 72,128 in 2020!
One might well ask the logical question “how could there have been 72,128 COVID related deaths if there was only 13,871 infections?
Furthermore, according to official ONS figures, deaths where ONLY COVID was mentioned on the death certificates throughout the entire period from 1st February 2020 through to 31st December 2021, was a total of just 6,183!
See also: