Dr. Pierre Kory: ‘Our Medical System Failed; Its a Corrupt System’ | CLIP | American Thought Leaders

“It’s so open and un-suttle what they’re doing. I’m trying to call attention to the absolute pervasive corruption in the conduct of this war on COVID. We’re being hampered and handcuffed and if we had the freedom to treat thisRead more…


CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE COVID-19 VIRUS IS MAN MADE! “They Did A Great Job Designing This!” In addition, Dr Richard Fleming PhD/MD/jD Shows The HIV Inserts To The S Spike Protein!

“This work comes from Luke Montagnier. Dr. Montagnier is the premier virologist in Paris France. Dr. Montagnier gor the Nobel Prize for identifying HIV. So if there’s anybody on planet earth who out to be able to tell you thatRead more…


Humans with Modified DNA Have No Rights And Are Patented! – Dr. Chinda Brandolino (Spanish Doctor)

“Everything that is patented belongs to the patent holder … According to what is legally established in international law.” – Dr. Chinda Brandolino The Spanish doctor Chinda Brandolino warns that the covid vaccines modify the human DNA, making the vaccinatedRead more…


Fed Govt Influenced Charges Against Officer Investigating SIDS (Sudden Infant Deaths) – Donald Best

Whistleblower and former Toronto Police sergeant, Donald Best, has been following the internal Ottawa Police trial and investigation into Det. Helen Grus (latest from Donald Best’s site HERE) for alleged “discredible conduct” with an explosive revelation: written evidence shows thatRead more…


Houston Doctor Takes Legal Action Against Big Institutional Hospital For Their Secrecy and Their Refusal to Respond to FOI Requests. – “I’m Not Going To Be Silenced, Intimidated or Bullied by … Or Anyone Else Who Wants to Target Physicians That Question The Narrative” HUGE APPLAUD – “I Have Treated Over 2000 People Successfully As Out Patients For COVID”

“One of my most valuable lessons was to take a critical view of pharmaceutical companies and not be the first person to prescribe the newest and latest drug until it has stood the test of time. And that has servedRead more…


NEVER FORGET: UK ONS FOI Request For ‘Deaths where COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate from 1st February 2020 to 31st December 2021’ (23 Months) Revealed a Total of 6,183! This is Prima Facie Evidence That There Was Never A Real Pandemic!

ONS = Office for National Statistics FOI = Freedom of Information Request Whilst the the UK government and the media reported some 173,000 COVID-19 deaths to 31st December 2021, leading the public to believe these were all COVID-19 deaths, aRead more…


“Exposing Crimes Against Humanity In Canadian Hospitals” – Healthcare WhistleBlowers Speak Out

Canadian whistle blower nurse reports seeing:– Staff forcing COVID vaccine on elderly against their will while they scream “no”!– Suicide patients after they died were tested for COVID– Many dying of heart attacks shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine– Full-termRead more…