Del Draws The Line On Childhood Vaccine Injuries – 1 in 44 Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder

CDC website states that vaccines don’t cause autism in children but could not provide without a single scientific study or piece of evidence supporting that asserion!!! “For the six vaccines [given to young children], no studies have even been doneRead more…


RIGGED! The Tragic Story of ‘Maddie De Garay’ Injured During Pfizer CV Vaccine Trials

Recall that the FDA, who are supposed to be working for us, fought to hide the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data from the public for 75 years!!! It Tokk a court order to force the FDA to release that dadmmingRead more…


Pfizer_5.3.6 Post Marketing Experience – Part of Pfizer Document Released Under Court Order – Adverse Reactions Listed in Appendix 1 (9 pages) – The FDA Wanted to Keep These Documents Secret & Hidden From the Public for 75 Years!

A group of  highly credentialed scientists scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) to force the release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to the licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTechRead more…