LIES MY GOVERNMENT TOLD ME: And the Better Future Coming – Dr. Robert Malone

Feb. 12, 2023 London Real with Brian Rose PLANDEMIC – FOLLOW THE MONEY Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized virologist, immunologist, physician, biochemist and author. He is credited as the original inventor of mRNA delivery and vaccination as aRead more…


Doctors Banned From Prescribing Safe and Effective Treatment Ivermectin for COVID-19 – Another Brave Australian Doctor – Dr Tess Lawrie – Speaks Out

“Recently we evaluated Ivermection to prevent and treat COVID-19 infection. Our evidence shows that Ivermectin is effective, safe and very cheap. We should be using it for both prevention and treatment of COVID. However, Governments and Heath Organizations are ignoringRead more…


Everest Romney’s Mom Tell The Story Of The Injuries Sustained By Her 16 Year Old Son Following The Pfizer Shot – Pfizer Adverse Reaction: Blood Clots In His Jugular And Brain

Everest RomneyPfizer 21st April 2021Severe Adverse Reaction: Two blood clots in his brain, aged 17 Years Old. Everest’s mum Cherie giving a full account of her son’s story and a very strong message about the risks of Vaccinating Children inRead more…


Mind Control In Action: How The Mainstream Media Is Used To Manipulate The Public and To Push Government and Deep State Narrative While Censoring Any Dissenting Voice

Remember ‘Saddam Hussain’s Weapons of Mass Destruction which were never found? That was programming and mind-control in action! The US even showed satellite pictures of trucks they claimed was carrying Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction! That narrative was being usedRead more…


“The Mainstream Media Is Lying To You, The Mainstream Media is Misinforming You” – Mainstream Media Lies, Propaganda, Indoctrination Manipulation and Control – With Professor David Haskell

“Here is an undeniable fact. In Canada, mainstream media are currently receiving $600 million a year from the federal government and only those media who are deemed legitimate and respectable are able to get that funding. Well what does thatRead more…