Autopsies Show The mRNA Vaccine SHREDS People From Within! – Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt (Murdered? on June 2, 2023)

Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt at Lakaruppropet “If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man, who has been vaccinated.” and “Autopsies Show The mRNA Vaccine SHREDS People From Within”..UnfortunatelyRead more…


WEF Police Lock Up Swiss Cardiologist for Speaking Out Against COVID Mandates And Forced to Take Psychiatric Medication!

A cardiologist with a doctorate in immunology and virology who has held a private practice for 24 years has revealed that the WEF-aligned Swiss state forcibly placed him in a psychiatric institution to be examined for mental illness in responseRead more…


“The ‘Covid-19’ Depopulation Agenda is Real, & What You Can Do About It … The Mainstream Media Will NEVER Tell Them The Truth!” – Dr. ‘Mike Yeadon’

Dr. Michael Yeadon was a scientific researcher and vice president at drugs giant Pfizer Inc. Below are some of his qualifications and experience:


Trudeau Panics As Arrest Warrants Issued Against WEF Young Global Leaders

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has warned that independent media outlets represent a threat to the WEF’s Great Reset agenda that the global elites are working so hard to implement. This is a huge problem for Trudeau personally because heRead more…


New Documentary: “Died Suddenly!” … Takes a Look at The Proliferation of Sudden Deaths Among The COVID-19 Vacinated.

This documentary looks at a new phenomena where healthy and even young people are suddenly dropping dead or are dying in their sleep following their injection with the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. This proliferation of sudden deaths among healthy people (includingRead more…


G20 Globalists Calling For A “Digital Health Passport”: So, They Want To “Give People Freedom By Taking Away Their Freedom” Following a Fake Pandemic – Think There Might Be A Conspiracy There Somewhere?

Dr. Peter McCullough appeared on NTD News and said digital health passports are a bad idea since COVID-19 vaccines are not safe or effective. No future vaccine can have assurances on long-term safety. Because public agencies are not consensus drivenRead more…