Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Do The Dutch Support The Dutch Farmer Protests? | Mark Steyn GBNews

‘Taking away people’s private property for a nitrogen crisis? That little game of creating a crisis and taking your rights away, I feel people are waking up to it.’ Eva Vlaardingerbroek & Mark Steyn on whether there is support forRead more…


Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Tech Colluding To Cover Up Their Lies!

Mark Steyn of GBNews interviews Eva Vlaardingerbroek. “You can see how Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Tech work together to cover up the lies of the past few years . . . It’s an abuse of power.” “They canRead more…


“Personally I Wish I hadn’t Been As Trusting Of The Scientific Authorities And The Scientific Publications In 2020 … Now, I Actually Feel Naive For Not Questioning Them More!” – Dr. John Campbell

Dr John Campbell apologizes if he had misled people in 2020. He says he was “naive” to have trusted the science “experts” and should have questioned them more.


Kennedy Explains What Happened After He Was Asked By President Trump To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety – “A Week Later Pfizer Made a $1 Million Donation To Trump’s Inaugural…”

According to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Trump asked him to lead a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity. But after being asked by Trump to do this, Pfizer made a million dollar contribution to Trump’s inauguration and Scott Gottlieb,Read more…


Dr. ‘Richard Amerling’ Exposing “Guidelines Research & Medical Malpractice” Towards The Children

Dr. ‘Richard Amerling’ Following “Guidelines Research & Medical Malpractice” Towards The Children October 29, 2022 “We’ve given up authority to central bodies of so-called experts, all of whom have agendas. The entire process is bought and paid for. If weRead more…


“What Is In The Pfizer Documents?” – Naomi Wolf’s Viral Hillsdale College Speech

Almost a Million Views of Naomi Wold’s original Hillsdale College Speech: “What is in the Pfizer Documents?” “I guess people want answers about the greatest crime against humanity in history. – Dr. Naomi WolfApril 15, 2023 https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/almost-a-million-views-of-my-hillsdale I am sharingRead more…


“This Is Evidence of Collusion and Malfeasance, They Have Intentionally Harmed You!” – Dr. Mike Yeadon

Pfizer, Moderna, JNJ, and AstraZeneca all picked the spike protein for their injections. “Isn’t that surprising?” When developing a vaccine, you would normally pick a part of the organism that is the least harmful, least similar to humans, and leastRead more…