EXAMPLES FROM AUSTRALIA: Australians Seriously Injured Or Died Following COVID Vaccines
Serious injuries and deaths occurring globally following the so called COVID vaccine. In these short video clips, we take a look at Australia.
Read more...Serious injuries and deaths occurring globally following the so called COVID vaccine. In these short video clips, we take a look at Australia.
Read more...Mark Steyn of GBNews.UK reports on the coverup of deaths and injuries associated with COVID-19 vaccines and interviews people from all walks of life who have been ignored, censored, and villainized because they (or their loved ones) were injured byRead more…
Read more...Dr. Peter McCullough Discusses New Study That Shows Pfizer’s Covid mRNA Vaccines Can MODIFY DNA in the Human Genome (July 9, 2022). And here you have the evil Cabal memebr Klaus Schwab – founder of the World Economic Forum –Read more…
Read more...Joe Rogan & Aseem Malhotra on JRE, SUBSCRIBE for further content from Joe Rogan, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Russell Brand, Jordan Peterson & others coming soon!
Read more...Dr. Peter McCullough is under fire from the American Board of Internal Medicine (A.B.I.M.), who is threatening his medical license for “providing false and inaccurate information to patients”. Senator Ron Johnson has responded with a call for A.B.I.M. and Dr.Read more…
Read more...So many previously healthy people are now dying suddenly following the COVID Injections! And so many reports of people dying unexpectedly in their sleep! Sounds rather similar to SIDS, doesn’t it? Quite fittingly they are now calling this SADS, SuddenRead more…
Read more...Belgian immunologist and medical research icon, Michel Goldman, had his values challenged when a Covid booster shot appeared to rapidly accelerate his cancer. He decided to go public with his story and tell the world.