“The Vast Majority of Elected Representatives, They Are Selling You Down The River” – Christine Anderson, MEP

“Please, do not consider me a hero, I’m not brave, I am simply doing my job. I was elected to parliament to serve the people, to act on their behalf and in their best interest. And I couldn’t think ofRead more…


“I’m a German, and we once asked our grand parents how they could have just stood by in silence allowing a horrific totalitarian regime to come about. Anyone could have known! All they had to do was open their eyes and take a look” – Christine Anderson MEP

“I’m imploring all of you around the world who still think your government is looking out for your best interest, at no point in history has the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys. The welfare of humanityRead more…


Digital Identity Bill – Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts

Need any more evidence as to what’s happening globally with the gradual roll-out of a digital ID by the globalist cabal? This is coming to your county soon as preparation for the one world government rolls out secretly in plainRead more…


Are Alternative Treatment/Holistic Doctors Being Murdered? Mysterious Killings of Holistic Doctors, Reports of Assassination “Hit Lists”

Over 100 alternative doctors have met with untimely deaths over the course of several years which started with Dr Jeff Bradstreet in June 2015. Dr Jeff Bradstreet was reportedly having an 80% success rate in treating Autistic children. He wasRead more…


Exposing the Global “Great Reset” & the Biden Corruption in Ukraine – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

“It’s now the moment to open our eyes, to wake up, and to understand what has happened and what is happening. It is the moment to act.” “The threat of a third world war is working on all of us.Read more…