“Mass Murder by Government” – Most Powerful Statements From a UK Funeral Director Whistleblower!

Funeral director John O’Looney witnessed mass murder by British government. Thousands of people were killed in care homes, and then labeled as covid deaths. That was the start of the ‘pandemic’ in the U.K. His testimony is by far theRead more…


Dutch Farmers Protest Government Cuts – Is This a Part of How the Global Food Shortage is Being Engineered?

In the Netherlands, Dutch farmers are ground zero for resistance to heavy-handed EU environmental edicts. Agenda 2030 climate cuts are targeting livestock and small farmers in a bid to drastically cut food production at a critical time, as the foodRead more…


Captured & Corrupt Medical Board Goes After Another Brave & Honest Doctor, This Time Dr. McCullough – Senator Johnson Calls For Public Hearing

Dr. Peter McCullough is under fire from the American Board of Internal Medicine (A.B.I.M.), who is threatening his medical license for “providing false and inaccurate information to patients”. Senator Ron Johnson has responded with a call for A.B.I.M. and Dr.Read more…


Why Are So Many Young People Dying? – New Term ‘SADS’ Invented following The Global Vaccine Roll-Out! – Del Bigtree of ‘The HighWire’ Briefly Delves Into This Issue

So many previously healthy people are now dying suddenly following the COVID Injections! And so many reports of people dying unexpectedly in their sleep! Sounds rather similar to SIDS, doesn’t it? Quite fittingly they are now calling this SADS, SuddenRead more…