RIGGED! The Tragic Story of ‘Maddie De Garay’ Injured During Pfizer CV Vaccine Trials

Recall that the FDA, who are supposed to be working for us, fought to hide the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data from the public for 75 years!!! It Tokk a court order to force the FDA to release that dadmmingRead more…


“For Nearly Two Decades, Step-By-Step-By-Step With Different Narratives, A Structure Has Been Set In Place Legally To Allow What We’re Seeing Now And To Condition The Free Peoples Of The West To Accept The Kinds Of Restrictions ‘For Their Own Good’ That We’re Being Told To Accept Now” – Dr. Naomi Wolf

Maajid Nawaz Interviews Dr. Naomi Wolf on The Pfizer Data Dump & Rogue Governments. Maajid Nawaz speaks to CEO of the DailyClout.IO and best-selling author and journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf about what she has uncovered from studying the Pfizer dataRead more…


Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. | A Message To The UK Government And The BBC | Oracle Films

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Hospitals Following Kill Protocol To Kill People for Money And Profiting by Hundreds of Thousand Per Death!

Kill protocol includes the use of the killer drug Remdesivir and Ventilators. Remdesivir reportedly killed some 50% of patients on an Ebola trial resulting in the trial being stopped. Now the number one drug being injected into patients taken intoRead more…


Cancer Rates EXPLODE: CDC Covers Up The Truth About The CV-19 Jabs

The CDC is HIDING the cancer cases caused by the vaccine! Dr. Jane Ruby joins to expose how the CDC is shoveling the increased numbers of vaccine-induced cancers, into a category for COVID-19 damages and deaths! The CDC is scramblingRead more…


CDC Caught Hiding Exploding Cancer Cases Following COVID-19 Jabs: “The Unabated Murder Continues” – Dr. Jane Ruby

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane shows evidence from expert sources, that the number of new, rare, and aggressive cancers is sky rocking in the VAERS system. But the CDC, known for its corruption and major role inRead more…


Referring to Emails Written By Tony Fauci about the Three Professors Who Wrote ‘The Great Barrington Declaration’ – “Tony Decided That They Had To Be Destroyed!” – Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone brings up a recent example of “cancel culture” carried out by the US government and their agencies. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins wrote emails to one another about how to silence three whta they referred to asRead more…


Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval Process

Part 1 of 2 – March 11, 2023 American Thought LeadersJAN JEKIELEK “You have scientists who are supposed to be regulators who are actually making money on the product that they’re supposed to be regulating.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., theRead more…