Incentivized Hospital Protocol “Killing COVID Patients” With Expensive Killer Drugs Like Remdesivir Which is Known to Cause Acute Renal Failure!!

Hospitals incentivized for following Killer COVID Protocol. This includes administering Remdesivir (which cost in the range of some $3,100 per dose), and is known to cause renal failure. Incentives are also paid to hospitals when patients are placed on mechanicalRead more…


“The Mainstream Media Is Lying To You, The Mainstream Media is Misinforming You” – Mainstream Media Lies, Propaganda, Indoctrination Manipulation and Control – With Professor David Haskell

“Here is an undeniable fact. In Canada, mainstream media are currently receiving $600 million a year from the federal government and only those media who are deemed legitimate and respectable are able to get that funding. Well what does thatRead more…


Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Boasting About His ‘Stakeholders’, Governments, Media, Experts and Scientists, Businesses, Academia and Social Media

Of course we know that the WEF has many polititions in governments such as around the globe ave strong connections to the WEF some having been members of the WEF Young Global Leaders programme such as Justin Trudeau, Jacinda ArdernRead more…


Government Military Media: Televised ‘False Flag Attack’ Orchestrated To Discredit Peaceful Freedom Protesters (Note That The Paid ‘Antifa Operatives’ Are Often Dressed in Black with Face Covering To Hide Their Identity)

Notice that the ‘Paid Antifa Operatives’ are always dressed in black and they always wear face coverings (often with a hoodie) to hide their identity! And note that the freedom protesters at these events do not normally wear masks orRead more…


Hospitals Hugely Incentivised to Place Patients on Killer Remdesivir Drug Protocol And Make Unnecessary Use of Mechanical Ventilators That Reportedly Kill Some 90% of Patients!

Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to discuss the ongoing genocide being carried out in our nations hospitals in the name of Covid. In most issues, the United Kingdom has been several years ahead of the U.S. in becoming tyrannicalRead more…