Are Alternative Treatment/Holistic Doctors Being Murdered? Mysterious Killings of Holistic Doctors, Reports of Assassination “Hit Lists”

Over 100 alternative doctors have met with untimely deaths over the course of several years which started with Dr Jeff Bradstreet in June 2015. Dr Jeff Bradstreet was reportedly having an 80% success rate in treating Autistic children. He wasRead more…


More Evidence The BBC Are Proponents of The Globalist State And Their Intentions? This Is Precisely What the Globalist Deep State Are Planning For Those Surviving The PlanDemic(s) Through to Agenda 2030 And Beyond!

April 26, 2022. Today globalist Bill Gates and clearly a strong proponent for population reduction using what he referred to as vaccines in his infamous Ted Talk, is now understood to be the biggest owner of farm land in theRead more…


Exposing the Global “Great Reset” & the Biden Corruption in Ukraine – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

“It’s now the moment to open our eyes, to wake up, and to understand what has happened and what is happening. It is the moment to act.” “The threat of a third world war is working on all of us.Read more…


“We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems and Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected” – Klaus Schwab Wef – THEY KNOW IT BECAUSE IT IS UNDER THEIR TOTAL CONTROL! They Are Clearly Engineering It!!!!

Klaus Schwab WEF It has become evident for some time now that the global criminal cabal are planning a global shutdown of the power grid and that there will be massive food shortages. Look at all the other statements thisRead more…


“Data Recently Revealed in Court Papers in the United States Clearly Shows Vaccine Harm Was Apparent in the Clinical Trials of Pfizer BioNTech and Others Conducted” Senator Malcolm Roberts Drops COVID-19 BOMBSHELLS In Australian Senate

“This unprecedented betrayal of the Australian people must be referred immediately to a Royal Commission. To the Prime Minister, the Health Minister, the Federal Health Department, and all those in the Senate and the House of Representatives — all ofRead more…


Maajid Nawaz talks to Joe Rogan about ‘Programmable’ Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the Massive Implications to Our Freedoms!

“This sounds terrifying by the way” – Joe Rogan “They’re bringing in this central banking digital currencies, why is that word ‘programmable’ in there? So what they said, in that article, and the chancellor put a video out saying thisRead more…