‘Merck Whisleblower’ and Former Vioxx Sales Rep Brandy Vaughan Who Was Concerned About Her Life Found Dead

Brandy Vaughan the Merck whistleblower who was found dead December 8th, 2020. In this video she is documenting the intimidation tactics being done to silence her. Please share with everyone. Brandy Vaughan’s website can be seen HERE. Please also see:https://thegreatdeception.is/whistle-blowers/big-pharma-exposed-by-whistleblower-vioxx-it-killed-people-and-merck-knew-it-its-just-a-cost-of-doing-business-brandy-vaughan-ex-merck-sales-rep/


UK ‘Office for National Statistics’ 2020 – Total COVID-19 Infections => 13,871!

The U.K. government and mainstream media reported that 72,128 people died “with” COVID-19 during 2020. Notice that they state “with” and not “off” or “from”, although some news agencies have been stating “from” which continues to further re-enforce the misinformationRead more…


The STATE Threatens And Shuts Down Doctors For Saving The Lives of COVID Patients! Including Threats To Intern Doctors Into Asylems!

Cheap effective treatments such as early use Hydroxchloriquine and Ivermectin are being used to save lives. HOWEVER, the Deep State, Big Pharma and corrupt governments do not want this to happen! Why? Becuase if low cost safe and effective treatmentsRead more…


Airline Pilot on COVID Vaccine Danger & Mandate: “I could have stroke out at 100 feet trying to land an aeroplane with 40 aeroplanes lined up next to us… it’s all over for a lot of people”

Pilot Greg Pearson is suing the Biden Administration over Vaccine Mandate. “There’s a number of pilots out there that are fearful to come forward and speak. They’re fearful of retribution. There’s guys that are going to work with crushing painsRead more…


Nurse [Erin Marie Olszewski] speak out about a NYC hospital she worked in killing patients and lying about COVID-19 cases which she witnessed again and again!

“The thing is, is they’re coming in with difficulty breathing, and a lot of these patients are really coming in with anxiety because everybody is, they’re scared and when I was back home I was working out in the tentsRead more…