“The Vast Majority of Elected Representatives, They Are Selling You Down The River” – Christine Anderson, MEP

“Please, do not consider me a hero, I’m not brave, I am simply doing my job. I was elected to parliament to serve the people, to act on their behalf and in their best interest. And I couldn’t think ofRead more…


Nurse Exposes Shocking Rise In Post-Vaccine Fetal Death

California Postpartum Nurse, Michelle Gershman, RN, exposes the callous indifference of her hospital administrator to unexplained spikes in babies in the NICU and cases of fetal demise, since the Covid-19 vaccine rollout. #FetalDeathWhistleblower #FetalDemise #NICU #TheHighWire


“I’m a German, and we once asked our grand parents how they could have just stood by in silence allowing a horrific totalitarian regime to come about. Anyone could have known! All they had to do was open their eyes and take a look” – Christine Anderson MEP

“I’m imploring all of you around the world who still think your government is looking out for your best interest, at no point in history has the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys. The welfare of humanityRead more…


MEP, Christine Anderson Rejects the Coercive Vaccine Mandates – “Whenever a Government Claims to Have The People’s Interest at Heart, You Need to Think Again!!!

In the Entire History of Mankind,There Has Never Been A Political Elite Sincerely Concerned About The Wellbeing of Regular People! What Makes Any of Us Think That It Is Different Now? NEVER TAKE ANYTHING THAT ANY GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU ATRead more…