UK Ends Boosters As New Alarming Data Arises…

A HighWire Report. As the UK ends its booster campaign, troubling data coming directly from the UK government’s own numbers shows an alarming number of people needed to be vaccinated in order to prevent one hospitalization from COVID. Is theRead more…


“The Dimming’ Movie” – Climate Change Geo Engineering Program

‘The Dimming’ Movie “Blocking Out The Sun! A Climate Change Geo-Engineering Program To KillMarch. 30, 2023. Medical & Geopolitical News. AndreCorbeil. The Dimming (Climate Engineering Documentary) Thermal diffusion of CO2 shows it LOSES the energy, absorbed almost instantaneously, leaving NORead more…


Jaclyn Dunne – Truth Be Told Demonstration London

London 21.01.2023 | Oracle Films Truth be Told London – a demonstration outside BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London on 21st Jan 2023. you like what Oracle Films does, you can support us here: our Telegram: Visit our website: www.oraclefilms.comShare.Read more…


Mel K: Unmasking The Globalist Elite Power Grab & How To Resist

27-Jan-2023 “It is becoming very clear what is going on in America and in the the world and we the people are the answer. First and foremost I want to say to eh, it is really really sad that ourRead more…


Doctors Down Under May Not Have Indemnity Protection for The Injuries Caused By The Jabs!

An underreported story of great significance as a top Australian medical society has just given notice to its doctors that they aren’t covered for damages from the Covid shots. #AMPS #InformedConsent #VaccinateAustralia POSTED: January 27, 2023


The Gerson Therapy — Interview with Howard Straus. Learn from Marcus Freudenmann, creator of Cancer is Curable Now, and Howard Straus, from the Gerson institute, how to apply the Gerson Therapy

This 50 minutes interview with Howard Straus will help you expand your consciousness, inspire you to take your lifestyle choices more consciously and seriously, and become aware of your body’s incredible innate potential to heal when it comes to healingRead more…