“My Reward was to be Suspended from Clinical Practice in the Army” – Army Clinical Physician And Former Medical Director

March 2021, Dr. Jane Ruby Interviews Major Dr. Sam Sigoloff. “On January 24th, 2022, three very brave military officers came forward, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Long, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Chambers and Major Dr. Sam Sigoloff, through their attorney Thomas Rans inRead more…


Pfizer Criminality, Including a $2.3 Billion Criminal Fine! The Biggest Criminal Fine in History which includes FRAUDULENT MARKETING of Pharmaceuticals. Still Trust Pfizer and Big Pharma?

Pfizer, the American pharmaceutical giant, has been hit with a $2.3 billion Fraud Settlement in history. The criminal fine agreed to be settled by Pfizer is believed to be the largest criminal fine in history against any company. The massiveRead more…


Part 1: FDA Executive reveals ‘Future COVID Policy’! Annual COVID Experimental Injections for ALL Including Babies!

Huge conflicts or interest between Industry Regulators and the Pharmaceutical Industry. FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole: “You’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID vaccine]. I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rileRead more…


Pfizer Makes A Whopping Nearly $36.8 Billion from COVID-19 Vaccines and a total of $81+ Billion in 2021, While Being Concerned About Their Trial Data Being Made Availble for Public Scrutiny!

Pfizer originally wanted to hide and delay the release of all their COVID Vaccine Trial data until 2075! But the courts refused their request. They also want time to redact elements of their data before it is made public. TheyRead more…