NEVER FORGET: Big Pharma Misleading/Fraudulent Reporting of Vaccine Efficacy. And Our Government Agencies Are Allowing This Fraud to Happen!

When they for example report a 95% efficacy, that number is referring to a Relative Risk reduction and not Absolute Risk Reduction which in reality is really only around 0.8% to 1.2%!!!! Please also see the below post which providesRead more…


Exposing the Global “Great Reset” & the Biden Corruption in Ukraine – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

“It’s now the moment to open our eyes, to wake up, and to understand what has happened and what is happening. It is the moment to act.” “The threat of a third world war is working on all of us.Read more…


Pfizer_5.3.6 Post Marketing Experience – Part of Pfizer Document Released Under Court Order – Adverse Reactions Listed in Appendix 1 (9 pages) – The FDA Wanted to Keep These Documents Secret & Hidden From the Public for 75 Years!

A group of  highly credentialed scientists scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) to force the release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to the licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTechRead more…


“Thousands of People Died Because they Were Not Provided Treatment That Was Available” – Esteemed Scientists, Pathologists and Immunologists Reveals The Egregious Criminality of COVID-19 Management by Governments

The below are extracts from the introduction by Dr Paul Alexander: “Of the 900,000 people that dies in the United States, we’ve shown that 850,000 would be alive today. This will go down as one of the greatest blunders andRead more…


Fauci Knew Remdesivir Was Deadly! It Causes Kidney Failure, Heart Failure And All Organ Collapse … “Based On This Bogus Endpoint Remdesivir Was Approved By The FDA On October 20th 2020 … The Federal Government Would Give Hospitals A 20% Bonus On The Entire Hospital Bill If They Prescribe Remdesivir To Medicare Patients! The Federal Government Is Incentivizing Hospitals To Prescribe A Medication Which Is Toxic!”

January 24, 2020 – TRANSCRIPT: Dr. Paul E. Marik 03:45 Thank you, Senator Johnson. And it’s a privilege to be here with my esteemed colleagues. So as you said, I’m a critical care doctor, I’ve practiced in the ICU forRead more…