“In My Opinion Currently There is No Medical Emergency And That’s Also the Opinion of The 17,000 Physicians and Medial Scientist That I Represent In Coming Here To You” – Dr. Robert Malone Testifying At The Texas Senate Committee on Health And Human Services (HHS) 6/27/2022 FULL SPEECH

Dr. Robert Malone testifies at the Texas Senate Committee on Health & Human Services on June 27th, 2022. Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multipleRead more…


Australian Senator Gerard Rennick Grills Evasive, Pro-Vaccine, Pro-Pfizer Doctor

“A tough day for Pfizer Australia in Senate hearings today. Senator Gerard Rennick on fire as he forced them to admit they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis/pericarditis. So much for trusting the science. They haveRead more…


Lawyer Sue Hospitals for Remdesivir Deaths

Attorneys Daniel Watkins and Michael Hamilton represent the families of patients who claim their loved ones were injured or killed after being administered Remdesivir for covid.


GBNews: ‘Israel IGNORES & SHUTS DOWN Damning COVID-19 Vaccine Study’ (Mainstream Media Does Likewise)

Neil Oliver, from GBNews, follows up on what happened to the secret study in Israel that indicated everything being said publicly about Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine — it was safe and effective and serious reactions were rare and short-lived — wasRead more…


Unprecedented Number Of Canadian Doctors Dying Suddenly – A Tamara Ugolini Report & Interview

On September 3, Alberta based nuclear medicine physician, William Makis wrote a letter to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) urging them to launch an investigation into the sudden deaths of 32 young Canadian doctors. The letter states that the CMARead more…


‘COVID-Zero’ New Zealand Jacinda Arden Finally Abandons Draconian Restrictions

Next to China, New Zealand’s Covid restrictions have been some of the most authoritarian and inhumane in the world. A once confident Prime Minister, Jacinda Arden, had no problem dividing her people and has now suddenly switched to supporting individualRead more…


“I Think … If They Don’t Roll Us Over, They’re Going To Get Hung, And I think They Know That” – Mike Yeadon Speaking of The WEF Alumni Who Are Installed In Many Governments

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “Sadly, I believe in the end, they’re going to double down and double down again. I think they’ll use violence…. I think they know that if they try and back off this, quite a lot of …Read more…