“The Publications Make It Clear! It Was A Government Operation That Created SARS-COV-2 And The Spike Protein … This was all planned!” – Dr Peter McCullough

“Moderna co-writes the patent with the National Institute for Health (NIC), you’ve probbaly heard me say Moderna is sueing Pfizer over the patent! … This willl all come to light! Moderna and the US government wrote the patent on theRead more…


“Vaccine Death Tsunami … They Found a Way to Slow Kill People With Vaccines” – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

“One in seventy three people in the UK that got the shot early in 2020 is dead by the US Government data. In the UK they’re loosing about a 1,000 people a week. We have over 900 hundred professional athletesRead more…


Excess Deaths Hit Record Levels – The HighWire

The conversation is exploding across Europe as politicians and media raise the alarm about record excess mortality rates in 2022. Why are so many non-Covid related deaths happening now? #ExcessDeaths #ExcessMortality #AndrewBridgen


Dr Rashid Buttar, Col US Army Surgeon Speaking Out – Unfortunately as with a number of other doctors speaking out, as of 18-May-23 Dr Rashid Buttar is No Longer With us!

Dr. Rashid Buttar was one of many doctors who have been speaking out against the global agenda. Was Dr. Rashid Buttar also Murdered to Shut Him Up? Note that there was previously an attempt to poison him which resulted inRead more…